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BW students win NASA/Ohio Space Grant Consortium scholarships

Eight BW students earned the competitive scholarships awarded annually to STEM majors, including aspiring math and science teachers.

 NASA Space Grant Logo

Five students from Baldwin Wallace University's School of Science and Engineering and three from the College of Education and Health Sciences have received 2024-2025 undergraduate junior-senior scholarship awards from the NASA/Ohio Space Grant Consortium (OSGC).

The OSGC is part of the National Space Grant College and Fellowship Program (Space Grant), 由国会资助,并由NASA总部的教育办公室管理. 太空基金由一个全国性的学院和大学网络组成,致力于支持科学研究, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education, including competitive scholarships for STEM majors.

The BW students chosen as 2024-2025 recipients are: 


Morgan BrileyBriley is a junior early childhood education major in the Teacher Education program. In collaboration with Dr. Brandi Siether, 布里利计划开设一门课堂课程,重点研究太阳及其为地球提供的能量. The lesson will be geared toward students ages six to eight.

During this lesson, 布里利的课程将使用美国宇航局提供的图像来观察太阳,并利用美国宇航局丰富的教育资源来了解太阳是如何产生能量的. Afterward, they will create an anchor chart to consolidate their understanding, covering key points such as the sun as a star, its essential role in providing energy, heat and light to Earth, and how it sustains life on our planet. Finally, 学生们将参与一项手工操作活动,以总结他们对太阳作为主要能源的重要性的了解.

This lesson, as a whole, will promote hands-on learning and accurate visual representations, enabling students to grasp the importance of the sun in our daily lives.


Kiki BurkertBurkert是鲍德温华莱士大学的一名即将升入初中的双初级和干预专家 Teacher Education program. For her scholarship-winning project, Burkert为一个三年级的班级撰写了一份欧博allbet识别物质状态的科学课程计划. 

The lesson plan uses Ohio State Learning Standards, along with resources provided by NASA, 促进物质的三种主要状态的活动和演示:固体, liquids and gases.



Julie DunlapDunlap is a rising senior neuroscience major who, in collaboration with Dr. Clare Mathes, 计划调查是否“全身给药乙醇诱导雌性大鼠大脑区域的神经活动与雄性大鼠不同”."

这项研究始于对2023年秋季BW师生合作课程的文献回顾. Since most of the studies they reviewed focused on male rats, 这个欧博allbet的目标是确定酒精对雌鼠的影响是否与雄鼠不同. 在对数据进行了定性评估之后,他们现在将使用软件对其进行量化.

强调酒精对两性的神经系统影响可能会导致对酒精使用障碍的更有效的理解和治疗. 目前的实验也可以作为BW行为神经科学实验室未来研究的初步研究,这些研究将专门针对雌性大鼠.


Mario EscobarEscobar is a rising junior in neuroscience who, under the guidance of Dr. Clare Mathes, 计划通过大鼠模型来研究高脂肪和高糖的不健康饮食对注意力缺陷/多动障碍(ADHD)发展的影响.

Diets high in saturated fats, such as the Western diet, are linked to brain inflammation, and this effect may be partially mediated by the gut-brain axis, the communication pathway between the digestive system and the brain. Escobar将设计并进行一项行为神经科学实验,测量饮食对神经炎症的影响.

这个欧博allbet对行为神经科学很重要,因为精神障碍、生理功能障碍、免疫系统和大脑之间的联系正变得越来越明显,并且可能与多动症的发展有关. 在大鼠模型中观察饮食如何影响神经炎症和行为表现,可以揭示早期生活中的饮食选择如何影响大脑的健康和发育. 这转化为通过基于饮食的干预来管理ADHD策略的潜在发展.


Greta GraffiusGraffius is a junior early childhood education major who, in collaboration with Dr. Brandi Seither, 计划将NASA的材料纳入四年级学生的课程中,以促进小学课堂上的STEM教育,并为教师提供许多资源.

NASA为K-12课堂上的学生提供了许多优秀的资源来探索和参与STEM概念. During this lesson, students will explore the movement of water in Earth's atmosphere, specifically atmospheric rivers and their relation to weather. The instructor will play the video "A 3D View of an Atmospheric River from an Earth System Model" from the NASA website.

Finally, 学生将分析天气对地球上常见地貌的影响,并通过实践活动了解侵蚀的概念.


Sydney MillerIn collaboration with Dr. Clare Mathes, Miller, a rising junior majoring in neuroscience, is investigating how alcohol affects brain reward areas in male and female rats.

Previous work focused on sex differences in alcohol-induced brain activity when alcohol was injected systemically; now, 他们的欧博allbet将专注于研究酒精直接注入大脑后引起的大脑活动. 这将使性别差异的量化仅限于大脑处理,而不是被身体处理酒精的性别差异所混淆. 

Their research, which delves into the neural underpinnings of behaviors linked to rewards, such as addiction, is not just academically significant. It also brings practical advantages to society, 加强我们对这些行为的理解,并可能导致更有效的干预. Miller will start this line of research by reviewing the existing literature. She will then synthesize the information, propose a new study, and submit it for approval by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee.


Caely ResslerRessler is a junior engineering major who, in collaboration with Professor Paul Penko, plans to design, construct, 优化并测试一种利用天然细菌产生有用电能的燃料电池.

This project has practical applications to the future of renewable energy. 在当今世界,一种可持续的替代能源变得越来越必要.

细菌燃料电池的应用将利用环境中现成的可再生能源, 利用来自污水处理厂或池塘的细菌来利用有用的能量. Using the engineering design process, 有一天,这个概念可能会扩大到为手机充电,甚至在火星上提供电力. 


Justin VerhosekVerhosek is a junior computer science and philosophy double major. This summer, under the mentorship of Dr. Brian Krupp, 他计划进一步研究LoRa(远程无线电波)网络,以及如何将其用作空气质量监测传感器中Wi-Fi的替代品.


Coinciding with these goals, Verhosek将研究的LoRa网络将使这些空气质量传感器的部署更加灵活,同时降低其成本和功耗, making them more accessible overall.

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