
Summer research yields big honors for trio of BW 茎的学者

的re was no summer slack for three Baldwin Wallace 茎的学者 whose ambition 和 skills put them at the doorstep of prestigious research programs at NASA's Goodard Space Flight Center, 约翰霍普金斯-罗塞塔公共机构和MetroHealth.


的 coveted 和 highly competitive opportunities reflect the elite level at which BW students are prepared to work on advanced research at top national institutions. 这对学生来说是双赢的, 鲍德温华莱士和他的研究, which relies on a dedicated team of individuals to do the h和s-on work needed for advances in medicine, 科学技术.


Koos in the Quantum 工程 和 Sensing Technology (QuEST) lab

Kyla三星 '25 is at the forefront of seeing her career dreams come to fruition. 人才济济的 物理应用数学 major was selected for an esteemed summer research program among 300 applicants.

严格来说,库斯是一个 空军研究实验室(AFRL)实习生 通过 空军科学研究办公室 在弗吉尼亚州的阿灵顿市,由 大学空间研究协会. 当然,这是一个杰出的头衔和简历助推器. But a more user-friendly version might say the Elyria, 俄亥俄州, native is working onsite at 美国宇航局戈达德太空飞行中心 in Greenbelt, Maryl和, participating in Quantum 工程 和 Sensing Technology (QuEST) research.

的 project is elite, 和 the scientists, equipment 和 resources are among the best in the country. 这是一个完美的适合库斯, 谁的利益, knowledge 和 skills in quantum computing are making her a fast-rising star at the undergraduate level. In addition to her NASA internship, she has had a competitive research position with IBM Quantum 和 克利夫兰诊所勒纳研究所.

“我是一名研究助理 克利夫兰诊所勒纳研究所 working on a military contracted project for why 和 how the United States Air Force could use quantum computing. This experience inspired me to combine my interest in military 技术 advancement 和 my 物理 background. 通过谷歌搜索, I came across the AFRL Scholar's site 和 applied for a summer internship in the QuEST Lab,库斯说。.

"Working at NASA has shown me how interdisciplinary 和 fulfilling a career in 工程 can be 和 how well my research background 和 work experience could translate into an 工程 career. 我的欧博allbet让我获得了实践, h和s-on experience I need for an 工程 career while working alongside some of the world's leading professionals in labs with cutting-edge 技术,她说.


Blum在Steffen Lindert实验室工作

阿什利·布鲁姆,25岁,a 生物学 major from North Ridgeville, 俄亥俄州, is participating in a highly competitive internship called the 罗塞塔公地-本科生的研究经验 (REU) that melds her interest in medicine with 技术.

这个欧博allbet是由美国的一个慈善机构资助的.S. 国家科学基金资助授予 约翰霍普金斯大学是美国29个实验室的一项国际倡议.S.美国、德国和以色列.

布鲁姆的网站是 斯蒂芬·林德尔实验室 在哥伦布的俄亥俄州立大学, 俄亥俄州, which is studying human proteins with the goal of underst和ing how they fit together 和 work. 的 technologically advanced 和 complex research being done at the lab can aid in medical drug discovery, underst和ing biological processes 和 designing therapeutics.

除了在R-1实验室待八周, Blum will travel to Seattle in early August to present her research at the Rosetta Conference 和 connect with Rosetta developers from around the world.

"This opportunity is giving me outst和ing research experience 和 exposure to coding in the realm of 生物学,布鲁姆说。. "I already had plenty of experience working in a wet lab with Dr. 科琳奈 在BW的斑马鱼实验室. 但是,我缺乏计算研究.

"This internship will provide that h和s-on learning, as well as help me prepare for my career path. 我的目标是攻读硕士学位.D.–Ph.D. 有一个计算方面,”她补充道.


Sam Dickhaut '26 just got one step closer to his goal of entering the medical field. 的 生物学 major from Brecksville, 俄亥俄州, was one of 14 students across the U.S. 接受进入10周 MetroHealth 切斯特暑期学者计划, which gives pre-med 和 science students opportunities to explore medical research 和 academic medicine.

"My project is in the NICU 和 focused on identifying risk factors of very low birth weight infants to fungal infections. Most of the research projects are done through retrospective patient chart reviews 和 are led by a neonatology physician,迪克特说.

这是他暑期欧博allbet的一部分, Dickhaut was able to sit in one of MetroHealth's Life Flight helicopters.

“通过这次实习, I have gained valuable relationships with peers from other institutions who have similar goals to me, as well as with doctors who can mentor me throughout my education. I also have been able to shadow many medical professionals in different departments, 哪些对我未来的职业选择有帮助,他接着说.

“没有我的 茎的学者 Peer Mentor, I do not think I would have obtained this amazing internship experience. She sent me the information about this internship 和 many others 和 wrote multiple letters of recommendation for me. Her experience 和 dedication certainly helped me to boost my chances of being accepted into this internship program,迪克特强调说.


选择俄亥俄州第一STEM学者计划 是一种创新, proven program that prepares students for successful careers in science, 技术, 工程, 和数学(STEM).

BW奖励丰厚 选择俄亥俄第一奖学金 designed to significantly strengthen 俄亥俄州's competitiveness within STEM disciplines, 以及STEM教育和医疗保健领域.

In November 2023, the 俄亥俄州 Department of Higher Education awarded $1.200万美元的新“选择俄亥俄第一”拨款给BW 在该计划的第五轮资助下. BW also received substantial awards in each of the previous four rounds of funding to support the university's robust 茎的学者 programming 和 other initiatives.



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